Ryan Wheeler of Trans-Northern made a presentation on COVID-19 Response for Business Continuity
Ryan said that Trans-Northern was designated as an essential business and used their Business Continuity Plan to develop a Pandemic Plan.
The objectives of the Pandemic Plan included: ensuring the safety of TNPI employees, consultants and contractors; maintain operations and assets; and mitigating operating risks. The strategies and tactics to implement the Plan included: communicating workplace guidelines; providing a self-assessment tool for staff; developing and implementing a line control mitigation plan; ensure the supply of safety equipment (PPE); identifying critical staff and 3rd party services; developing and distributing essential service engagement letters; implementing a communications strategy; and developing a recovery plan and workplace guidelines to prevent COVID transmission.
TNPI also implemented: virtual internal response planning exercises; liaising and community outreaching through on-line platforms; and face to face meetings with emergency responders.
Sat Anand of Anco Chemical made a presentation on Anco’s COVID Plan
Sat overviewed Anco’s response to the Coronavirus and flu prevention. A memo was issued and discussed with the staff explaining possible safety instructions with policy to follow including: staying at home when sick; washing hands; wearing masks; avoiding gatherings; cleaning surfaces (including providing hand sanitizers, cleaning sprays and wipes); asking some employees to work from home and some to work alternately in the workplace; only 1 employees per room was allowed; and providing guidelines for travel and gatherings. Security changes included locking all gates and office entrances; monitoring trucks entering the property; relocating pick up and drop off locations for couriers to the parking lot; and discussing the RDC security code and railway loader security plan.
The Continuity and Recovery Plan included: following the Public Health guidelines; conducting a workplace risk assessment; mitigating risks; adding PPE; and cautiously & safely bringing staff back to the workplace maintaining social distances with proper PPE.
Cathy Campbell and Catherine Wieckowska of Responsible Distribution Canada made a presentation on COVID-19
Cathy and Catherine made a presentation on RDC’s response to COVID-19. They talked about phone apps for COVID-19. Companies should consider the stress and fear involved with the pandemic and the return to work. Companies should show compassion in their response. They showed that the perceived risks of re-opening was higher among women.
Cathy overviewed that there are 2 million unemployed in Canada. 39% of worker were interested in teleworking. And there was a significant drop in emissions during the pandemic. Catherine said that compassion is a business imperative.
Mark Jasper, Ben Scott and Danielle Chambers of GHD made a presentation on COVID-19
Ben Scott talked about the changes to business’s internal operations such as: Office closures, working remotely, self-isolation, limited field work and PPE for employees. He talked that GHD has a Boarding Pass app and is identifying innovative solutions for clients. The talked about the app is a self-assessment app with a temperature check and questionnaire.
Danielle Chambers from the GHD Waterloo office talked about specific services offered for COVID-19 including assisting clients with preparing plans, assessment, screening, training, movement strategies, messaging and education, mitigation, industrial hygiene audits, FIT testing and training for care and PPE use.